What are minimalist color schemes? First of all, it’s black and white, a classic contrasting color scheme, which is suitable for most of spaces and can be made more moody with more black or more neutral with just some touches of black. Have a look at the ideas below to find out how to do that in a stylish way! Colors And Textures If you think that the space is boring, play with textures and materials and add a couple of bright accents – red, copper, green, blue or of any other color.
Grey and black can be used for contrast: an accent wall, ceiling or furniture, you can also accentuate your fireplace with black. Go for white walls, they are going to make your living room look much more spacious and airy. A minimal living room is an absolute must for any modern home – such a laconic yet cozy space is perfect for spending time next to a fireplace or to receive guests. I continue spoiling you with minimalist eye-candies, and today’s roundup is about living rooms.